The Best Bargain Box of Cider (12 Bottles) - Free Shipping

The Best Bargain Box of Cider (12 Bottles) - Free Shipping
Help us move a little inventory by grabbing one of these stellar deals.
We'll fill a 12-bottle box with shipping of:
- Two bottles of our newest or favorite ciders in the shop (retail value around $18-22 per bottle)
- 10 (or more) ciders that we'd like to move through the shop. These ciders will be discounted between 20-50%!
Average box value, with shipping is over $175.
The discounted ciders will include a mix of products that we either have too much of in stock, or that we have only a few bottles remaining and it would help us organize our warehouse to move them more quickly. You will NOT receive ciders that have gone bad or aged poorly. Well made, bottled ciders should age very well - and we make a practice of dumping out anything that ages poorly or otherwise goes bad.
Simply put: a great bargain for you and a great help to us!
Notes: If you have strong preferences on flavor styles you do not want included, please make comment of that at checkout. In some cases you may receive more than 12 total ciders (smaller format products that allow us to fit more in your box, same overall value in box).
- Shipping available across U.S.